Saturday, November 19, 2011

shall we start by making sure everyone can vote?

Pointing out the obvious, 2012 is an election year, and the very least that should be happening at every one of the Occupy locations/camps (whatever they wish to call themselves) is VOTER REGISTRATION. If people come from places the repigs have fouled with their shitty new “voter requirements”, then every OWS should have a committee/group/caucus trained in the local requirements and readily available to help all the people effected by said requirements to get photo IDs etc. - whatever they will need to be able to register to vote and then TO ACTUALLY VOTE. IF this protest goes on long enough, and OWS is still viable in November 2012, OWS participants should be organized enough by then to be able to follow through and make sure everyone who is allowed to vote, can vote and does vote. Only then will the REAL WORLD repercussions of this movement make a dent in the monolith that is the CORPORATE GREED that ‘owns’ our government.

Just sayin’.

‘We’ OWS sympathizers seem to be hung up and distracted by the police response right now - exactly what the 1% wants.

Get organized. Get something accomplished. Getting arrested and bloodied (over and over) will not be enough.

1 comment:

  1. My question is why are such grand opportunities for the Democratic party not only being ignored but totally unsupported? Is the game already decided and we the people are once again being played for fools?
